Transformers: The Last Knight is an action movie and the fifth installment of Transformers series by Hasbro. In this part, a war starts between Transformers and Human in the absence of Optimus Prime. Now the point is to save the world from Transformers and the key behind it is hidden in the past of them on earth. An English Lord (Anthony Hopkins), an Oxford professor (Laura Haddock), Bumblebee and Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) comes together to save the world from them.
Actors: Laura Haddock, Mark Wahlberg, Gemma Chan, Isabela Moner, Anthony Hopkins
Directors: Michael Bay
Writers: Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Ken Nolan, Akiva Goldsman
Producers: Michael Bay, Ian Bryce, Matthew Cohan, Arturo del Río, Ricardo Del Río, Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian