Whose Streets? 2017 by Sabaah Folayan, Damon Davis

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 Release Date: 

 Runtime: 90 min

 MPAA Rating: 

 Language: English

 Country: USA


At the point when unarmed young person Michael Brown is killed by police and left lying in the road for a considerable length of time, it denotes a limit for the occupants of St. Louis, Missouri. Sorrow, long-standing racial pressures and re-established outrage unite occupants to hold the vigil and challenge this most recent catastrophe. Enabled guardians, specialists, and educators from around the nation meet up as freedom fighters. These youthful group individuals turn into the torchbearers of another resistance. Movie producers Sabaah Folayan and Damon Davis know this story since they are the story. 'Whose Streets?' is a capable rallying call from an era battling, not for their social equality, but rather for the privilege to live.

 Cast & Crew

Actors: Brittany Ferrell, Tef Poe, Kayla Reed, Tory Russell, Alexis Templeton

Directors: Sabaah Folayan, Damon Davis


Producers: Lucas Alvarado-Farrar, Mridu Chandra, Damon Davis, Sabaah Folayan, Patricia E. Gillespie, Jonathan Hall, Sabaah Jordan, Jennifer MacArthur, Flannery Miller, Christopher D. Renteria

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